Elevate Greece invites start-ups to submit their applications for participation in the National Awards for Young Entrepreneurs. The deadline for submission of entries is 30 June 2021.
Athens, Greece: 28 June 2021

The evaluation of applications will take place in July 2021. The winners will be announced at the 85th Thessaloniki International Fair.
The Elevate Greece Awards will have the following categories:
1. Start-up of the year;
2. Faster emerging start-up;
3. Techno blast (Spin-off) of the year;
4. Social Contribution Award;
5. Environmental Impact Award;
6. Women Entrepreneurship Award;
7. Business Development and Extroversion Award;
8. Technological Utilization Award of the 4th Industrial Revolution;
9. Start-up hero: solving challenges from the Covid-19 health crisis;
10. Top start-up from the ecosystem/Best Ecosystem choice.
According to Money Review, the first National Awards for Young Entrepreneurship "Elevate Greece" was announced at a press conference by the Minister of Development and Investment, Adonis Georgiadis, the Deputy Minister of Development and Investment, Corinthian MP Christos Dimas and the General Secretary of Research and Innovation, Athanasios Kyriazis.
According to Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, in order to be nominated for the Awards, the company registered on the Elevate Greece platform should meet the following criteria:
1. The company should have had a turnover of at least € 100,000 in 2020;
2. The company should have at least five employees.
The registered start-ups of Elevate Greece can submit their application for participation in the Awards electronically through the website: https://elevategreece.gov.gr/el/national-startup-awards-2021/
Elevate Greece is an initiative launched by Greek Government with the aim of identifying promising start-ups and supporting their growth in order to promote a robust innovation ecosystem.
Money Review. 28 June 2021
Elevate Greece. 28 June 2021
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