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Greece generates 57% of total electricity consumption using renewable energy on 14 September 2020

Ilma Danielienė

Updated: Sep 23, 2020

According to data provided by Independent Power Transmission Operator (ADMIE) of Greece, Greek renewable energy sources (RES) accounted for 57% of total electricity supply on 14 September 2020.

Athens, Greece: 20 September 2020

Renewable Energy Sources (RES), including wind and solar and hydropower), covered 51% of Greek electric power needs on 14 September 2020, a rate rising to 57% when including large hydroelectric power plants. This is a record for renewable energy production in Greece.

Source: Independent Power Transmission Operator

Data provided by Greece’s ADMIE shows that during the first half of 2020, hydropower, solar and wind power produced between 27% of monthly electricity demand in January 2020 to 42% in April 2020 in Greece.

New Greek Television mentions in an article on 21 September 2020 that there are currently 11,000 applications for RES investments outstanding in Greece. These are for 76 GW in installed capacity, which is over ten times the power capacity Greece needs to meet its 2030 RES target.

Greece’s government has the ambition to move away from traditional energy sources completely in the next eight years, utilising only renewable forms of energy such as wind, solar and hydroelectric power.

Navigator Consulting provides due diligence, investment planning and investment monitoring of energy storage and renewable energy investments. Our expertise includes projects implemented in renewable energy and energy storage, including solar power installations, wind power installations, hydropower installations and energy storage units.

For further information, please contact:

Philip Ammerman

Managing Director


Independent Power Transmission Operator. 14 September 2020

Independent Power Transmission Operator of Greece. August 2020

NGTV. 21 September 2020

Greek Reporter. 20 September 2020

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