Due diligence on the Enexon Solar Power investment project in Greece - € 120 million, 58 MW

Due diligence on the Enexon Solar Power investment project in Greece - € 120 million, 58 MW
Project Enexon Solar Energy Due Diligence
58 MW | € 120 million | 2012
On behalf of an international construction and contracting firm, Navigator implemented a commercial due diligence on the Enexon solar energy project in Greece.
The Enexon project comprised a portfolio of 58 MW of ground-based solar energy installations in Greece with a total investment value of € 120 million (May 2012).
Our work comprised:
Review of all solar power licensing documentation, including feed in tariff contracts, power production agreements, land lease agreements, etc.
Development of a financial model for the solar energy investment including energy output, tariff levels, income, operating expenditure, panel degredation, etc.
Risk analysis and sensitivity analysis for the investment, including scenarios in which the feed in tariff was reduced or taxed by the Greek government
Assessment of project sponsor valuation and operations.
The due diligence project took place in Greece between April - June 2012.
For further information, please contact us.